We received a
comment to let us know some of you guys don't know how our score signs and/or
rating process work. Lets clear it all up!
Here you go:
We rate movies on
originality, screenplay, attachment to original work, special effects, makeup
and hair, art direction, narrative, editing, cinematography (lighting, angles,
set-ups, etc.), performances, casting, directing duties, budget, genre, and the
most important thing- how fun/entertaining/artistic they are.
However, we don't
take every single aspect into consideration for all movies.
-We don't expect
'THE SESSIONS' to have Avatar-like special effects nor Children of Men-like
cinematography. Instead we focus on the performances, the art direction (since
it is a time-period film), the editing and such.
-We expect 'MAN
OF STEEL' to give us amazing special effects, good-enough storyline that is
attached to its original work, and cinematography that lets us feel Superman's
greatness. If it fails with makeup and artistic values, we won't have much of a
We try to stay
away from all possible spoilers, which include most movie trailers (and that is
a hard task, let us tell you). So when we take our seats in the theater,
everything is fresh and new. That way our expectations aren't all over the
place. Obviously that doesn't always work. Like most of you, we are fans and
when we hear that our favorite actor/director/screenwriter/etc. has a new movie
coming out, our hopes immediately increase. Just ask our Chief Editor how
excited he is about seeing Joss Whedon's 'MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING' without
having a clue what the movie is going to be about.
Finally, we give
bonus points for having good: Villains, plot-twists and dark endings. Why?
Because we believe a weak antagonist doesn't provide for good entertainment,
plot-twists are fun and make movies memorable, and dark endings are a huge risk
and show the makers of the film wanted to provide something fresh rather than
care about box-office numbers.
*Our signs.
When we set out
in this adventure, our friend Perro Eduar-dog asked us why our 'WOW' was for
movies with a 9.6 out of 10 or higher score. He said it was, and we quote,
"too strict". Our answer was simple: Lots of movies can be fun and
entertaining, but only a few really deserve to be all-timers. He agreed.
If we say a movie
is 'Discount Theater or Rental', it doesn’t mean it’s a bad movie. It just
means that movie tickets are expensive and we think your money is better spent
on a different film.
That said, here are
the scores needed for each sign.
Thanks for
following us and remember to comment and share our reviews with your friends.
STAY AWAY--- 0.0
- 3.0
OR RENTAL--- 3.1 - 5.9
PRICE--- 6.0 - 8.5
FUN--- 8.6 - 9.5
THIS MOVIE--- 9.6 - 10
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