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If seeing Brad Pitt in a zombie movie isn't a clear enough clue to tell you it's summer-time at the movies, then we don't know what is. This is our review of WORLD WAR Z.

What, how, where, when and why are questions you'll be asking yourselves with the film's opening sequence. Reasons for "the undead" prophesy to become a reality are all around us.
The film follows 'Gerry Lane' (Brad Pitt), a family man with experience in life-or-death situations who does everything possible to save his family when all hell breaks loose in the blink of an eye.
Explosions, chaos, death and uncertainty fill the screen in the film's first few minutes (which by the way were awesome!).
*What follows isn't a real spoiler since this is a Brad Pitt movie and we all know, one way or another, he has to survive the beginning of the film* Gerry's old boss asks him to begin a search for a cure or an antivirus for this menacing plague that is threatening to destroy all mankind. The only reason he accepts this task is the promise that he will keep his family safe.
From this point on, the plot turns into the one thing the film's title says- a worldwide war against zombies; we have to say that at least in this aspect, the movie delivered.

Something that had most of us a little hesitant about this flick was the special effects, mainly- the CG-Zombies. In the final product they weren't perfect but much better than what we saw on trailers for the film.

The cinematography didn't break new barriers but it did do a very good job in crucial parts of the film by using appropriate lighting and camera angles to build the necessary suspense.
We have to mention that the 3D isn't worth paying for. There are a few sequences that offer the added depth but not enough to justify the extra cost. (1)

About the characters, there are plenty of secondary ones and just two main ones. Brad Pitt isn't going to win any awards for his performance, but we can't say he did a bad job either. However, we would like to mention Daniella Kertesz's performance as 'Segen'. She was quite memorable for the short time she was onscreen; we hope to see her on more movies later on.

Our thoughts:
The film has plenty of good elements. The action sequences delivered much more than we anticipated. There's plenty of comedy (though we don't think all those moments were supposed to be funny) and one aspect missing in most of this film's genre, originality, was alive and present, no pun intended (we believe Drew Goddard's great work had something to do with it).

The truth is we left the theater quite satisfied with what we saw. We were surprised in general terms, but unfortunately the film did fail in some areas (the Hollywood-touch is all over it and the narrative wasn't very good).
It falls just shy of being a 'popcorn worthy' movie but don't misinterpret us, it is just as good as a summer-time movie should be: very entertaining.

8.5/10 Worth the Ticket Price.

(1) Use the money you'd save to watch 'DESPICABLE ME 2' in 3D next week instead. Who else is dying to watch it?

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