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Review: Ruby Sparks

Again with the movies that take FOREVER to get to Mexican cinemas. About 2, maybe 3 months ago one very close friend of ours told us to go see "RUBY SPARKS", a movie we had already heard of and wanted to see very badly. Movie gods smiled on us and we were finally able to go see it!

Here is our review-
"RUBY" tells us the story of Calvin, played by Paul Dano (Looper, Stealing lives), a writing genius going through writer’s block and feeling lonelier than Forever Alone. The only thing that helps him during this difficult time in his life is the vision of his perfect girl- pretty, petite, redhead, kind, fun and madly in love with him. Unfortunately it is just his subconscious playing tricks on him since the girl only appears while he is sound asleep. One day he wakes up and finds the answer to one of his problems - Write about 'Ruby Sparks' the girl of his dreams.

What he doesn't see coming is his imagination and desire to meet the goddess of his creation suddenly appear inside his home in the flesh. Bye, bye second problem.

The how's and the why's multiply immediately in both the characters in the movie, and the audience. This is where the script, written by the girl playing Ruby- Zoe Kazan, finds its uniqueness- It tells us a fantasy story that relates to the audience and manages to stay in the Rom/Com genre, without digging too deep into an explication for Ruby's existence. Instead, it sticks to the adventure.

It is highly probable you remember seeing movies with a lot of similarities, but "RUBY" has many layers to explore thanks to a great, well structured narrative and a couple of characters that fill the screen with strangely adorable situations.

A great option to go RENT, since it is out on DVD in the U.S. already. 9.5/10 Good Popcorn Fun.

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