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Review: Moonrise Kingdom

Every so often you watch a movie and think "it might have been better if it was directed by someone else or if they'd changed the story here and there".
Welcome to the movie-world after "MOONRISE KINGDOM".

With his new film, Wes Anderson (THE ROYAL TENEMBAUMS, FANTASTIC MR. FOX) brings us a daring, entertaining and charming story about a boy scout that abandons his troop to meet with the girl of his dreams and together live the adventure of their lives. This is where the fun begins since unfortunately for them (and luckily for us), they are both underage and this leads to a boy scout-troop, a police captain (and only law enforcer on the island where the story takes place) and a family where both parents are lawyers to take to the task of finding them no matter where they are at.

As it is customary with any Anderson film, there're countless supporting characters that add their own flavor to the main story.
The youngsters playing the main rolls are both rookies, and man did they do a wonderful job! They are charismatic, curiously different and to some extent, more than one will relate to them.

This movie promised to be different and charming- it does that and more. I am not a Wes Anderson fan; in fact I think he is a different but overrated director. With "MOONRISE KINGDOM", a film he both wrote and directed I surrender to his potential. Nobody could have done this film better than him. Not only I recommend you go see it (or rent if it's out on DVD already up in the States), I give it a 10/10- WOW, Can't Miss This Movie.

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