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Sorry for the delay on this review but films going for big-time awards take a while to get to Mexican territory. This one is for Martin Scorsese's 'THE WOLF OF WALL STREET'.

*WARNING* This review is about a rated 'R' film and it is not only for its strong language but for its sequences of drug use and high sexual content.

By Edgar Perez, Chief Editor.
Based on the real life story of Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, this picture tells the story of an intelligent, aggressive and capable man.
The narrative and the voiceover, on top of a daring script that spared nothing, help the film to be interesting and funny at all times.
The main plot is as follows:
'XXXXXX' is the founder of the stockbroker company Stratton Oakmont, which doesn't exactly do everything by the book or legally, for that matter. His personal life is an ocean-full of addictions, sex and more money than he can count. Not even a beautiful wife at home can stop him from living a life on the edge. When FBI agent Patrick Denham, played by Kyle Chandler, finds out about the company and it's way of doing business, things will get complicated for its owner and his colleagues.

Analysis and opinion:
If the warning wasn't enough- THIS FILM IS ONLY FOR ADULTS. The sexual content is very high, the amount of drugs consumed by practically every character is incredible and the language used is almost trashy.

An extreme situations-filled life, full of frauds and limitless had to be told with audacity and Scorsese achieved it without a hitch. The picture, which is almost 180 minutes long, is never boring, quite the opposite, it is very entertaining and even fun.

The main characters, played by DiCaprio and Jonah Hill as Donnie Azoff, are top-notch. They use their experience like never before and give performances that truly paint a picture of two people that did not know when to say enough.

The technical aspects, especially the art direction and cinematography, have the level one would expect from a Martin Scorsese picture.

The screenplay is by far the film's best aspect. As I mentioned before, it is aggressive, crude, entertaining and very interesting. Even the simplest or least important sequences do a great job at showing why the story of these characters needed to be told.

This film is going for the big ones at the Academy Awards in March. If it doesn't win it will be for what other films did and not for anything it didn't.


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